My approach

Background and profile

For as long as I can remember, I've always been fascinated by human behaviour, the way the mind works, and the difficult questions that we all sometimes have to ask ourselves :

  • Where are we going in our lives ?

  • Why do certain things happen, and how much of the responsibility do we bear ?

  • Why do we feel what we feel, and what are emotions ?

  • How do we build ourselves up over the course of our lives ?

  • What can we do when our situation becomes unbearable ?

This thirst for learning ultimately led me to complete five years of studies in clinical psychology, as well as a six-month internship in psychotherapy, enabling me to acquire the diploma and title of psychologist. On the strength of this experience and the knowledge I acquired during my studies, I continue to learn on a daily basis by reading the scientific literature and the work of eminent psychologists/psychotherapists, hoping to make this knowledge available to help you achieve your goals and reap the rewards of high-quality psychological work: rebalancing your life, identifying and managing a particular problem, or simply gaining a better understanding of yourself.

My approach is based mainly on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This aims to work on our behaviour, thoughts and/or emotions in order to resolve the various internal conflicts we may be facing. Although the individual is the focus of my attention, I also bear in mind the importance of social relationships in an individual's psychological equilibrium. That's why I try to adapt my approach to both personal and interpersonal problems. As action and commitment are the core of my approach, my principle is to get actively involved in finding a solution tailored to your needs and to minimise as far as possible the number of sessions required to resolve your problem. The aim of my practice is to build a relationship of trust within a secure, non-judgmental framework, in which we try to understand the complexity of your experience, identify your needs and respond to them with kindness and empathy.

Who can benefit from my services?

My specialisation and clinical experience are mainly focused on adult issues.

My services are not aimed at people with a diagnosed psychopathology requiring psychotherapy. If this is your case, or if the investigation of your problem leads to this observation or any other problem beyond the limits of my competence, I will redirect you to the best of my ability to a suitable professional who will be able to provide the care you need.